Monday, July 19, 2010

I need a killer name for my fantasy football team?

My current name is To the Dome (which I've never really liked), and I won the championship last year and need something more awesome, the best name I've ever heard for a fantasy team is Prison Shower - I need something that tops that.

I need a killer name for my fantasy football team?
Los Panochas or The Dirty Sanchez

How about The Fine Dime Brizzles
Reply:Bend over backwards and cough.
Reply:Pacman's Posse and if your not playing on yahoo try to get a logo of money cause he makes it rain
Reply:I like funny team names, or things that borrow from current events.

I'll put a few down, but this questions gets asked a lot. You can do a search, and sift through some of the best answers.

Pacman's Reign [or Rain]

Electric Dogz

Oprah's Leotard

Norv Turner's Neck

Mexican Air Force [A tribute to guys with leafblowers]

Hammer Time

Tender Vickels

Criminal Elements

Always Bet on Black

Al Davis' Diapers

Team Short Bus

Barry's Vitamin S

Don't Drop the Soap
Reply:Hope it isn't a church league. HOW ABOUT: Body Baggers, or A** Baggers, or Cellblock T (touchdown), or Razorwire inspires me.
Reply:Compton Kamikazees

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