Thursday, July 22, 2010

I need a fantasy name with the word patriots in it, i have heard patriot games, patiot pride ect any other?

please no patriots suck ect, want somthing that sounds cool

I need a fantasy name with the word patriots in it, i have heard patriot games, patiot pride ect any other?
Patriot Riot
Reply:Im a bears fan, and my team is called Monsters of Da Midway

How about Patriot Pride or something like that
Reply:damnit i was gonna say patriot pride, then i saw it

i got nothing
Reply:there can be many combinations to this. you could have new england patriotz. most people who choose that name put an s at the end. that is how i got my email address was by using the z. you could say the name of your city and the patriots. say i live in l.a. then my fantasy name would be los angalos patriots. you can do so much to come up with names. you could do your name, then the team name and finally your favorite number so mine would be mattpatriots99 and nobody would have that name. try one of my suggestions and it will help you. i guarentee it. email me if you need more help. oh by the way, i love the patriots and i believe anyone who says they suck is a sad, lonely loser who like a crappy team. go pats!

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