Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is a great fantasy baseball team name for this year?!?

All of mine are lame. An example would be Mr. 3000 or Micky Mouse!

What is a great fantasy baseball team name for this year?!?
U can name your team after one of your players,like:

Speed Reyeser








----Or maybe------------


Head Banger Balls

Ball Shank Redemption

Hoof Hearted? (repeat several times)

~~~~~~~~~~~Good Luck!~~~~~~~~~~~
Reply:I always like to make fun of ongoing things


Canseco's roids

Barry's syringes

Or the easy way:

Let's say the team ylour playing is called "zone"

then name your team "zone sucks" and change it every week

Last one make fun of a city name

Ex: Miamisburg Crapbags, Lost Angeles, Milwakkie talkies, Cheesago,
Reply:How bout "Free Swingers"? I have that 1 for a league. Youc an amke ones relating to your favorite teams or palyers...personally ia hte the 'orids' ones cuz there's like 5 in each of my league and its gotten old.
Reply:The Idaho Iguanas
Reply:The comeback kid
Reply:Just make one up you're wasting five points.
Reply:The Rocket's Roids! lol
Reply:mine is the Mean Mooses - currently in first place
Reply:Cubs WS 08 Champs

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