how can u say pats suck when they are clearly the best team in the nfl right now.too bad all of ur teams are just pathetic.
id make it pats4sb42
(patriots for super bowl 42)
I need a fantasy football name with the word patriots in it any ideas?
i was gonna say pats suck but how about brady sucks or something else with a pats player and the word sucks or stinks to be a lil nicer
Reply:San Diego Chargers Super Bowl!!!! Patriots? haha yea right. (thats all one name)
Reply:the Patriotic dumbasses
Reply:How about Patriot's Game?
Reply:How about......
Patriots suck
has a nice ring to it
Reply:the new england patriots blow
Reply:Bustaflow stole my idea...LOL!
Go Bills (even though I know they suck - hometown fan!)
Reply:its pat or patroitsfever
Reply:How about "The PANTYWASTE PATRIOTS".
Reply:Here is a website that will generate several thousand combinations. Just put in Patriots for the keyword and go from there.
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