Thursday, July 22, 2010

Does anyone have any good ideas for fantasy names?

I need guy and girl names but not common like ones from Lord Of The Rings or Eragon. Does anyone have any ideas?

Does anyone have any good ideas for fantasy names?
Depends what your story's about ... I'm writing one that has a little to do with elements, so I used names that mean Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire.

For a story about magic, Drake and Celeste.

If it's an adventure story, perhaps Rhys and Mona.

Good tree names would be Ash and Willow.

I'm not sure what you're writing about. If you email me with a bit about your story plot, I'd be happy to help you more. :)
Reply:I made up a a few names:

Mortoja --- pronounced like More - toe - juh.

Adaline --- pronounced like Add-ugh- line.

Tralonamore --- pronounced like Tra ( sound like- truck) - lawn - a -more.
Reply:go onto a baby names website and look at the meanings of some of the names. That's what I did and there are some pretty interesting names on there! x



Mary Brena



email me more about it. It'd be easier!
Reply:Claude Gervaise

Tovia Singer

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