Monday, July 19, 2010

I need a good name for my Fantasy Football team. What do you suggest?

Can someone help me come up with a unique nickname for my fantasy football team? I'm looking for a name that's kinda unique, yet funny enough to make people laugh. One of the league owners this year already picked the name "SofaKing Easy!" and another one has "Team McLovin," so I'm looking for some inspiration. Last year, I was "LBZ Blitzers" and this year I currently have "O.C. Bruisers" with a team logo of an English Bulldog, but I feel like I need a better name. Any suggestions?

I need a good name for my Fantasy Football team. What do you suggest?
Reply:i use tallegega knights.
Reply:Cruising 4 a Bruising
Reply:Crusin for a Bruiser
Reply:Instead of "Vicious Bulldogs"

"Vickious Bulldogs"
Reply:How about...

Thunderlips n Bruisers
Reply:Phooseball Bruisers
Reply:Giant Death Amoeba
Reply:Franchise Players
Reply:the "Sinister Icy Black Hand of Death"
Reply:Not sure.
Reply:"Thicken Upon Standing"

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