Monday, July 19, 2010

I need a good Fantasy football team name. It can be funny, clever or whatever, just give me something good.?

I already have my team picked and it's fantastic. So i don't want anymore comments that send to websites that give me stats, i don't care if you think i need to focus on my players. I just need a good name for my team. Preferably a funny name.

I need a good Fantasy football team name. It can be funny, clever or whatever, just give me something good.?
Romosexual Tendencies. It's quite prime, even if you don't own the Dallas QB.
Reply:Steel City Warriors: Same Colors as Steelers but Hammer %26amp; Anvil

York Hawgs: Wild Boar or Harley with Orange / Black

Reply:no autographs

i need money

your team sucks

ricky williams for president

Reply:Ocho Psycho


Mike Vick: Pet detective

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