Monday, July 19, 2010

A good name for a fantasy medieval town for a story?

As with the Inn question, I am writing a medieval fantasy story.

I am trying to think of the good name for the main town of the story where the inn is?

The town is small, but still has the castle of the Baron.

A good name for a fantasy medieval town for a story?
Just keep it simple. No one will be impressed with a lengthy, hard to pronounce name. Take a town you already know or look at a map (there are plenty of unique names to choose from). Add something to it if you have to like, burg, town, ton, glen, grove, valley, etc. Theres really no need to over think this.




Reply:Howz abouts Harnett?

It's not very good though :(
Reply:Rivendar, Dalaran, Elwynn, Bruta, anvil, delenara
Reply:Arian, Daanu, Narivith, Kainver, Hastecel, baraga, Bainto,

Feritha, Dabiso, Ooglian, Takso, Varsintia,Varsintina,

Gaitelin, yeafai , or maybe Dan.

Please reply if you like any of these!

Thank you!

PS. I like to tell stories too , so i know how you feel...
Reply:Candlemere (if it's near a swamp)

Baysham (if it's near the sea)

Baldstable (on a hillock near a plain)

Quillsford (by a river frequented by swans)

and the name of the Inn should be:


Sorry. How about, hmm, let's see...Delversfeld. You can drop some hints as to the mysterious story of the delver in question, and what he was exploring. I dunno. Maybe you should stick with Chicago.
Reply:I would go with Hiran.
Reply:West Ardonia

Bolden Glen

Reply:Very vague question! Sorry I missed the "Inn question." But more info would be helpful.

western Euorpean -- Talmelda or Talmelstein

eastern European -- Kalismir or Volkulstok

Asian -- Near East-- Remdija

Far East -- Yulungzee

decidedly English -- Rulsbek or Brinkleham

decidely Spanish -- Relspedo

Sorry just brainstorming here!

Is there a river nearby??

Baron's name??

God you could go any which way you wanted!

Good luck on the story!


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